Dein Profil

Hier findest du dein Interessenprofil und deine gemerkten Studiengänge.


Ein interessanter Studiengang nach dem anderen.
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Was soll ich studieren?

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Alle Studienorte
Schweiz Österreich
Interessentest Ranking Ratgeber Merkliste

Ein interessanter Studiengang nach dem anderen.
Wir helfen dir, dein passendes Studium zu finden.

Was soll ich studieren?

Es gibt viele Studienorte – In- oder Ausland? Groß- oder Kleinstadt?
Hier findest du alle Orte in denen du studieren kannst.

Alle Studienorte
Schweiz Österreich
Ein Angebot der Universität Liechtenstein. Für den Inhalt ist die Hochschule verantwortlich.


Sustainable Design
  • Abschluss: Master of Science in Architecture (MSc Arch)
  • Sachgebiet(e): Architektur
  • Regelstudienzeit: 4 Semester
  • Hauptunterrichtssprache: Englisch
  • Studienform(en): Vollzeitstudium
  • Standort(e): Vaduz
  • Trägerschaft: Ausländische Hochschulen

Study profile

Building on the fundamental teachings of the Bachelor’s degree programme, the Master’s degree programme reflects the diverse and complex challenges that architecture faces today as a responsible, globally connected yet locally enacted profession – but also seeks to resolve these through a unified agenda in shaping the built environment. Above all, students successfully completing the Master’s degree programme in Architecture are enabled to:
a) execute their future profession according to important and fresh insights gained from academic research and practice;
b) assume leadership roles while committed to responsibility in action;
c) think and act in a sustainable, holistic, global and interdisciplinary way;
d) carry responsibility for our future and cultural heritage;
e) independently conduct in-depth academic work that is required for admission to a doctoral degree programme.

To cover the diversity of the field of architecture, the LSA is organised into units. The LSA's current five units ensure a broad spectrum of content in teaching and research and enable an in-depth and focussed exploration of the respective topics:

  • Craft & Structure
  • Sustainable Design
  • Built Heritage & Upcycling
  • Urban Design & Spatial Development
  • Urbanism, Architecture & Society
Das bieten wir dir

Project Studio

In the Project Studio, visionary architectural and spatial designs are developed and tested. There is no division between theory and design.
Project Studio


We provide you with space and time for your personal development together with comprehensive support from mentors.

Sustainable Design

The LSA creates, teaches and cultivates knowledge for the benefit of society and the environment.
Liechtenstein School of Architecture
Mögliche Berufsfelder

Graduates of the Master’s degree programme in Architecture are well prepared for a career in architecture and its associated fields, and thanks to the sound academic education, promising perspectives may also arise in various research fields and academia. Upon successful completion of the programme, the University of Liechtenstein grants the academic degree of «Master of Science in Architecture» (MSc Arch). The degree is a prerequisite to enter a doctoral programme.

Tamara Kessler
Telefon: +4232651134
Universität Liechtenstein
9490 Vaduz
Tel: +423 265 11 11
Weitere Informationen / Services:
FAQ zu Architecture
How is the programme structured?
The curriculum of the degree programme is structured into four semesters. It is a full-time programme but can also be completed as a part-time programme in three years instead of two. An individually longer part-time programme is also possible. Advanced Studios take place in the first three semesters. An optional exchange semester is possible in the second and third semester. The final semester is dedicated to the Master’s Thesis. Students can choose a Preliminary Study in the third semester to prepare a Free Thesis. A one-week seminar or excursion week as well as the midterm review of the project work are integral components of the didactic structure of the Advanced Studio. During the course of the degree programme, students must complete a wide range of compulsory Core Electives, which are structured into the areas of History & Theory, Technical Studies, Individual Electives and Cross-Faculty Electives. Details:
Quelle: Universität Liechtenstein
What are the admission guidelines?
Detailled admission guidelines and study regulations can be found on our website:
Quelle: Universität Liechtenstein
Welchen Abschluss erhalte ich, wenn ich Architecture studiere?
Beim Studiengang Architecture an der Universität Liechtenstein handelt es sich um einen Studiengang mit dem Abschluss Master of Science in Architecture (MSc Arch)
Welches Sachgebiet beinhaltet der Studiengang?
Das Sachgebiet des Studiengangs ist Architektur.
Wie lange dauert das Studium?
Die Regelstudienzeit beträgt 4 Semester. Ein Semester sind 6 Monate. Somit dauert das Studium in der Regel 24 Monate.
In welcher Sprache finden die Lehrveranstaltungen statt?
Die Vorlesungen, Seminare oder Kurse finden in Englisch statt.
In welcher Form wird das Studium Architecture angeboten?
Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium in Vaduz angeboten.
Wo finden die Lehrveranstaltungen statt?
Die Lehrveranstaltungen werden in Vaduz angeboten.
Kann ich mich zum Sommer- oder zum Wintersemester bewerben?
Du kannst dich zu folgendem Semester bewerben: WS und SS.
Gibt es spezielle Zugangsvoraussetzungen, um Architecture zu studieren?
Für das Studium des Fachs Architecture gelten keine speziellen Zugangsvoraussetzungen.
Welche Themenschwerpunkte gibt es?
Themenschwerpunkte im Studienfach Architecture sind:
Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, Sustainability
Wann kann ich mich bewerben?
Hier findest du die Fristen und Termine für deine Bewerbung:

Leider liegen uns zu diesem Studiengang keine spezifischen Fristen und Termine vor. Im Hochschulprofil kannst du Informationen bekommen.
Wie ist die Hochschule, die den Studiengang Architecture anbietet, akkreditiert?
Eine Akkreditierung soll die Qualität der Hochschule und des Studienangebots sichern. Für die Universität Liechtenstein mit dem Studiengang Architecture liegt folgende Akkreditierung vor: Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).
Quelle: Universität Liechtenstein
Gibt es einen Studienbeitrag?
Zum Studienbeitrag liegen folgende Informationen vor: 950 CHF


Abschluss 120 ECTS
Quelle: Universität Liechtenstein
Zulassung & Bewerbung

WS und SS


Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, Sustainability

Fristen & Termine

Leider liegen uns zu diesem Studiengang keine spezifischen Fristen und Termine vor. Im Hochschulprofil kannst du Informationen bekommen.


950 CHF
Studienbeitrag (Bemerkung):
Abschluss 120 ECTS
Liechtenstein School of Architecture (LSA)
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
*Quelle: Universität Liechtenstein

Design and Research Methods

The Master’s programme gives students the opportunity to engage with the broad field of architecture at different scales applying a variety of design and research methods. It prepares them for the demands of the broad field of sustainable architecture, urban design and spatial development and seeks to shape not only the leading minds of a design process, but an architectural culture itself that can advance society. The necessary theoretical knowledge and tools for the successful implementation of culturally sustainable strategies in architecture, urban design and spatial development are taught in the Advanced Studios and Master’s Thesis. Together with a series of elective courses as well as Professional Practice or Pro Bono Projects they enable students to develop and strengthen their personal areas of interests. The programme aims to nurture talented students who are committed to pushing the boundaries of their knowledge in the broad field of architecture towards sustainability, social responsibility and critical thinking.
Small classes and one-to-one teaching in the Advanced Studios offer a personalised, creative and productive learning and research environment that is focused on the development of strong individual profiles. An optional exchange semester at one of the LSA’s renowned international partner universities helps students to test their acquired knowledge in a different cultural and academic environment.